Jung One Korean Gin ABV 47% 700ml
Jung One means “Garden” in Korean, and the name symbolizes the many local botanicals that are used to make this unique Korean small batch gin. Hand crafted in Korea’s one and only whisky distillery, Jung One Gin is made with the finest Korean malt spirit, and 4 unique Korean botanicals, in addition to more traditional gin botanicals.
Traditional gin botanicals include juniper berries, coriander seeds, cinnamon, and cardamom provide the base, which are combined with lavender, orange peel, and lemon peel to add a subtle floral scent and citrus. Local Korean botanicals of Chopi tree, Agi hemp, sesame leaves, and pine needles that grow close to the distillery, were used to show Korean personality. The label was also made of Korean paper (a nice touch we feel). Jung One gin is bottled at a flavoursome 47% and non-chill filtered to maintain the taste and aroma.